Cyanide and Happiness Wiki
Sad Mary

Wouldn't she be the perfect partner for a different character?

Sad Mary is a character that appears in the Cyanide and Happiness short Sad Larry in Love and (presumably) Sad Larry's Sad New Year. It is unknown if she will ever appear again.

Character Bio[]

Sad Mary is essentially the female equivalent of reoccurring character Sad Larry however, she is less compassionate than Sad Larry and can get angry and offended just as easily as she can get depressed. She also has a job as a waitress at the local diner.

In Sad Larry in Love, she first appears in a scene very similar to the episode Sad Larry when Sad Larry calls her over and attempts to flirt with her. She then started crying and asked if he's making fun of her. When he tried to backtrack, she kicked his food in his face and stormed off exclaiming, "I'm sick of this shit!"

Physical Appearance[]

Sad Mary has dull brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and always sports a depressed expression similar to Sad Larry's. She wears a dark blue shirt with a white apron and a pin with a frowny face.



  • Despite having only two quick appearances , she is one of the most developed one-time character and the most for a character that the episode doesn't focus on.